Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pay Attention!

My morning set of hands featured me repeatedly missing some very easy plays.

Playing 4 spades, I was presented with a choice of finesses after the opening lead:


The opening lead of the ten of diamonds was covered by the queen from dummy, and the ace from RHO.

Later on I had a choice as to whether to finesse the king of clubs or the jack of diamonds from LHO. Of course, if I'd thought of the opening lead (ten of diamonds), I would have realized that the diamond finesse was hopeless. The club finesse, of course, was making. Down 1.

Several hands later, I was defending 6 spades. Dummy and I each had 5 diamonds, and I carelessly discarded one of my diamonds early, allowing declarer to establish the 13th diamond. As it turned out, declarer had a cross ruff working for the trick anyways, but a little forethought might have worked better on another hand.

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