Friday, August 29, 2008

What Did I Just Do?

When I look back in years to come, I may see many mistakes here. In the end, I surprised myself by making the contract. Maybe what just happened will stick in my mind, and I'll know what I'm looking for next time.


Unsure of whether to upgrade or not, I settled for 1 spade. Partner raised to 2, and bidding game was easy.

Here was the hand:

The 8 of clubs did not look like good news, as GiB leads 3/5. I need the 2 of diamonds to throw round suit losers, so no trump ruff.

I decide to play ace and low to the board, hoping to catch a doubleton honour. In retrospect, low to the board then ace is probably better, but again, I'm not sure and need to think about it. The second round loses to the jack, with the king still outstanding.

Back comes the 5 of clubs from lefty, and the club split dream is no more. No point in drawing trump, so I play ace of diamonds, diamond to the jack. The next round of diamonds is trumped by RHO with the king, onto which my heart loser disappears. I win the heart return, and for some reason think I still need the club split, so I concede a club trick.

Upon winning the heart return, I finally notice that there's still a trump on the board, taking care of my club loser in hand. Making 4.

I think that, with the exception of the spade honours, I played this hand reasonably well. (If there's a clearly better line, it doesn't jump out at me.) I just wish I'd seen how it was going to fall down before it actually happened.

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