Friday, August 7, 2009

Thinking Deeper

I'm currently reading through Kelsey's Killing Defense at Bridge. Some of the bidding is strange, but even though I've only gotten through one chapter I'm already appreciating the book.

By and large, each problem, I seem to see part of the problem, but I don't quite think deeply enough. Maybe I'll analyze the suit distribution, but I'll miss a key point about the high card locations. Or maybe I'll figure out the general layout, and figure out the correct suit to lead/continue, but I'll overlook that the specific card I play matters.

It's like there's a big well of laziness in us. We push against it, gain some information, and then stop. None of the logic in this book is overly complicated. The trick seems to be to keep thinking even when you think you've already got the answer.

This is going to take some practice, but it's also going to take some discipline.


kuhchung said...

Killing Defense is HARD.

Unknown said...
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warren said...

Yeah, I'm starting to find that out for myself. I think I need to slow down, and really think about the problems as they're presented. If I don't get them, then I'll need to switch books, and come back to Killing Defense later.