Sunday, July 13, 2008


Playing in a beginner/intermediate tournament, my pickup partner wanted to play odd/even discards.

LHO open a strong 2S in 3rd position, and raises 2NT to 3NT.

I hold
S QJ82
D 865

From the bidding, I liked a heart lead, but decided leading from KJx was safer than from QTx. Declarer won the ten, ran the queen (covered) to the ace, and returned a club to my jack, partner discarding the 7 of hearts. From odd/even discards, I knew partner liked hearts.

With Ax hearts on the board, I led a low heart to partner's king. Partner returned a heart...and I dropped the ball.

Fortunately, partner had 2 entries in diamonds, and we were able to set the contract anyways. Still, I saw that I might need to unblock (discarding the queen of hearts under dummy's ace), and I just couldn't decide whether or not it was the right play.

It's encouraging, I guess, that I saw the play, but I need to start sharpening up my analysis, and actually making these plays.

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