Monday, April 5, 2010

Sorry, But....

Playing in the Sunday IMPs league, I had this awkward bidding situation:

Maybe you agree with my pass, maybe not. Certainly, playing with a new partner, I felt that any other bid was going to be a lie, and I trusted partner to reopen. Ok, so partner reopened, now what?

It's really easy to foresee losing the first 5 tricks in 3NT. I have some spade length, but even IF partner has 2 spades Notrump isn't going to go well. If not notrump, then what?

Well, hearts might be right, but 3 card support with a 4333 is not great news for partner. In fact, it's not impossible that partner has only 3 hearts himself.

On the other hand, partner probably has passable clubs. He opened clubs instead of diamonds, and is shortish on spades, so clubs is probably a real suit.

I opted for 3 clubs, which got passed out. Partner held:

30 HCPs, and no game to be had. At first, I felt like apologizing to partner, but as it turned out stopping short of game was going to be worth IMPs, 6 as it turned out.

Despite the awkwardness of the situation, this bidding was easy, I think, right or wrong. It was a good reminder, though, that there's more to life than high card points.


Memphis MOJO said...

Actually you have 27 HCP combined. I wonder why he didn't open 1NT to begin with?

kuhchung said...

Whack the 1NT overcall.

Having said that, it's amazing how bad the duplication is. It looks like declarer actually has 7 tricks in the blacks, though you can take the first 7.

Of course, if the red suits weren't going 3-3 your way, you'd have the first 9 tricks. +500/800.