Friday, June 26, 2009

Back at the club.

Played a 55% game. Not bad. Too bad 55.63% was in the money.

Got dealt: xx AKQJxx xx xxx. I guess this is why weak 2s go as high as 10 points. :)

I did get to play an interesting spades distribution


The ace was the only entry to the board. I had finessing positions in both hearts (xxx vs AQx in hand) and diamonds (forget exactly what I had there). The nice thing is that LHO (who had bid, while RHO had not) led the 9 of spades.

While I would otherwise have claimed the ace, the lead of the 9 gave me extra chances. I ducked, and RHO put in the jack. I led away from diamonds, rather than finessing. (Think I had T98xx on board, AQxx in hand). When LHO won the singleton king (I underled the ace, but clearly it does not cost if the king is singleton), LHO returned a heart (yay!).

Later, when I led the ten towards the Ace in spades, LHO covered, promoting my 8. Nice to collect 3 tricks from that spade holding.

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