Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I've been slowly expanding the circle of bridge blogs that I follow. One of the best, DoubleSqueeze, has led me to a few more, which have led me to a few more, including a local one, which is always nice to know about.

Part of this meandering led me to a couple of conversations between expert and world class players. I felt a bit like a kid in a candy shop, or maybe like a kid getting to see Babe Ruth or The Rocket in person. It rekindled in me the desire to become an expert at this game.

Of course, by the time I reach that level, I do sometimes wonder how many players will be left. There's a decent chance that all the ones younger than me will STILL be better than me, but what can I do? :)

My book orders have been slowly coming in. I'm now sitting surrounded by Kelsey, Lawrence, Hardy, Reese, and others. It may take some time, and more than one reading, but there's a lot I can learn here. I'm excited for what tomorrow will bring.


McKenzie said...

Warren-- Thanks for the compliment, and I'm thrilled to hear that you're reading the classics. That's how I started out eight years ago-- reading every bridge book I could (and entire decades of back Bridge Worlds). Keep on plugging. You're thinking about the right things. Just see more hands and keep working hard! I hope to meet you in person one of these days. Good luck!

warren said...


I think that Bridge World, including lots of back issues, may be my next investment.