Friday, October 31, 2008


I was able to make the 299er game at the club today. Lucked out with a very good partner, but was dogged, by some stupid mistakes. Often, an extra half-second thought would have improved my result.

Of course, there were the requisite bidding and judgement errors that come with my level of experience and skill, especially with a new partner. This kind of thing I can live with at this point.

Two hands stood out.

On the first, I ended up leading a diamond from Kxxx against a 3NT contract (only unbid suit). Dummy came down with long clubs, and AKxxx spades. I held QJxx in spades. When the clubs were running, I was given the lead. Partner had signaled disinterest in diamonds, but my heart holding did not seem right to lead from, so I returned a diamond anyways. Declarer had the AQ, so I essentially gave up a trick.

The killing lead was spades, and it's maybe not too hard to see. Declarer was single, and if I burn his entry, he has to run clubs and spades, and give me 2 spades, or partner some red tricks.

I'm not angry that I didn't see this, but it certainly wasn't impossible to guess. Hopefully I've learned a lesson on this hand.

The other hand that stood out was inexcusable. Dummy held AQJxxx, with me having T9 in hand. I needed to play this suit for 3 winners, needing a discard, and having no extra entries to dummy. When the ten held, I continued the 9, and for some reason felt I HAD to play the ace. For some reason I had it in my head that I had to overtake (correct), but that only the ace would do.

Clearly, I'm capable of making the right play here. Not rushing would have helped a lot.

In the end, we were 52%, and in the points. Decent, but I'd like to think that with a quality partner I should do better.

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